Let’s Pray: Prayer Gathering at the Cabin

Join us for a time of Prayer for our Country and the upcoming elections. Led by local pastors including Ronnie Tullos calling on God to intervene and guide us as a country as we seek to humble ourselves and be “One Nation Under God!”
Just one hour east of Memphis right up Highway 72 to Walnut, turn left, then go 4 miles and turn right on Winwood Farms Loop Road in Middleton, TN then go one mile turn in the long drive way on the left at 3190 Winwood Farms Loop. The sign will read LET’S PRAY. Some may be there at the gate to welcome you, come as you are messy hair and all, sleepy eyes as well!
Let’s ask God to meet us in a very special way, this will be pre-election prayer meeting, nothing held back. God will heal our country, only if one of us will be obedient, will you be that one? Come testify! Look forward to seeing and meeting you.
God Bless,
John Roebuck